The other side of a professor
And when you think you have it all under control, the next review request lands on your desk. It's never done! Just do it.
You want your paper reviews to be good, so remind yourself: write good quality reviews. and then you will get useful reviews for your own papers, too. That's at least the idea.
Here is a selection of my review activities...
Committees / Editorial Boards
(Akademische Selbstverwaltung)
Advisory Board, Steering Committee
2011-active - Advisory Board, Gutenberg Teaching Council (GLK), University of Mainz, Germany
2019-2021 - ACM SIGCHI Conferences Board, Member, https://sigchi.org/conferences-board The committee is responsible for SIGCHI's ~20 conferences: https://sigchi.org/conferences/upcoming-conferences
2018-2021 - Steering Committee Member of the ACM Group conference series
2015-2020 - Advisory Board for Teaching and Learning, University of Göttingen, Germany
2015-2016 - Advisory Board, Digital Learning in Schools, Telekom Foundation, Germany
Reviewer for Grant Proposals
2020 National Science Foundation, Panel Reviewer
2019 Estonia Research Council
2019 Austrian Federal Ministry of Education
2016 National Science Foundation, SL-CN ad-hoc reviewer
2015 Reviewer for Grants Proposals, research program "Open and online higher education", financed by the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Netherlands
2015 Reviewer for Grants Proposals and Member of Expert Group, "Learning Analysis", Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, Norway
Reviewer for BMBF, Germany
Reviewer / Evaluation of Study Programs
2018 Assessment of the study program "Educational Technology" at the University of Saarland, Germany
2013 Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA); assessment of the IT study program of Tallinn University
2009 Reviewer and Liaison lecturer for Hans-Böckler Foundation (HBS); reviewer for scholarships for PhD candidates and undergraduate students, Germany
Editorial Board Member / Associate Editor
2016-2020 Associate Editor, Book Series, Computer-Support Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Springer
2008-2020 International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (ijSKD)
2013-2014 International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning
Conference Co-Chair Roles
2020-2022 Accessibility co-chair, Steering committee member, ACM Group 2020 & 2022
03/2020 Co-Chair of the Early Career Colloquium (ECC) w/ Ann-Sofie Axelsson, iConference 2020, Boras, Sweden
09/2015 Workshop chair of ECTEL2015, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning
11/2014 General Co-Chair of ACM Group'14, FL, USA
11/2012 Publicity chair, International ACM Group'12, Florida, USA
01/2011 Chair of the e-Learning day, TU Dortmund university, w/ Martina Kunzendorf and Volker Mattick, Germany
11/2010 Poster chair, International ACM Group'10, USA, Florida, USA
09/2011 Chair of the International Symposium IML2011 in Umeå/Sweden - Interactive Media and Learning: "Creative Learning Cultures - Educational Innovation in a Web 2.0 World"; Keynote George Siemens, Umeå, Sweden
03/2010 Chair of DOSS 2010, the 4th international conference on Research on Higher Education and Faculty Development, in Dortmund, Germany
11/2009 Chair of German Didaktik congress (including Instructional Design) (HD-HF), funded by the German Ministry of Education, Dortmund, Germany
Program Committee or Reviewer for Conferences (selection)
AECT, Association
for Educational Communications and Technologies
iConference, Conference
of the consortium on the iSchools
e-CSCW, European Computer Support Cooperative Work conference
ICLS, International Conference of the Learning Sciences
INTERACT (Human-Computer-Interaction)
ECIS, European Conference on Information Systems
ACM CHI, Computer Human Interaction
ICALT, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
CTS, International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems
ECTEL, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning
dghd, German conference on Didaktik (dghd, Association for University Didaktik)
GMW, German Conference organized by the Association for Media in Society
CSCL conference, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
CSCW conference, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
I-Know, International Conference of Knowledge Management, Graz, Austria
Reviewer for Journals (selection)
Since 2020 Educational Technology Research and Development, ETR+D
Since 2018 Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Since 2016 Computers & Education
Since 2016 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Since 2015 Nordic Journal of Digital Learning
Since 2014 Computers in Human Behavior
Since 2013 International Journal for Transactions on Learning Technologies, IEEE
Since 2012 ijMBL, International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Since 2011 Education Inquiry
Since 2010 ZFHE, German journal for faculty development
Since 2009 ijWBC, International Journal of Web Based Communities
Since 2009 ijCSCL, International Journal of Computer-Support Collaborative Learning