You want to hear my thoughts?
Here is my list that includes
- keynote speeches
- peer-reviewed presentations
- invited talks
- peer-reviewed poster presentations, and
- peer-reviewed workshop.
Last update in June 2023
Keynote Speaker
June 15, 2023: "Learning Experience Design and Research – ein neues Forschungsfeld zur Gestaltung effektiver Lerndesigns", Vortrag in Tübingen, am IWM im Rahmen der 20 Jährigen Jubiläumgsfeier von e-teaching.org
February, 8, 2023: "Digital-gestütztes
und Lernen
an der UTN", Vortrag in der UTN-Reihe University Taking Shape.
November 2022
November, 4, 2022: "Unterricht und Lernen mit digitalen Technologien", Ort_ Uni Kiel, im Weiterbildungsstudium Schulmanagement, organisiert von Prof. Dr. Möller, IPN Kiel
September 2022
September, 21, 2022: "Learning Experience Design & Research - Aktuelle Trends für die (Weiter-) Entwicklung digitaler Lehr-Lern-Umgebungen", Online, organisiert von Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf, Uni Breme
September, 15, 2022: "Learning Experience Design & Research", Ort: FAU, Standort Nürnberg, organisiert von Prof. Dr. Michaela Gläser-Zikuda, Dr. Jane Müller und Prof. Dr. Sonja Ertl , Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Zentralinstitut für Lehr-Lernforschung (ZiLL; siehe auch https://www.zill.fau.de/daszill.shtml ): Autumn-School zum Thema "Digitale Medien als Instrument und Gegenstand sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung"
June 2022
(in German) "Digitalität als didaktisches Design", Clustertagung der FHNW Swissuniversities, Olten (CH), 23.6.2022
April 2022
(in German) "Aktivierende
Lernstrategien beim digitalen Lernen: Learning Experience
Design & Research", Online, organisiert von dem Bayrischen Institut für Hochschulforschung (IHF)
February 2022
(in German) "Unterricht und Lernen mit digitalen Technologien", Online in ZOOM, organisiert von der Borken Schule, NRW
November 2021
(in German) "Digitales Lernen - eine internationale
Perspektive zu Learning Experience Design & Research", Tag der Lehre: Digitalität der Lehre, Uni Flensburg (vor Ort)
November 2021
(in German) "Unterricht und Lernen mit digitalen Technologien", Schulleiter:innen Tagung der Gesamtschulen im Münsterland, Saerbeck (vor Ort)
November 2021
"Digital Learning from the Lens of Learning Experience Design", GRADE Research School, Umeå and Gothenburg Universities, invited by Professor Dr Johan Lundin (online)
November 2021
"Digital Learning - An International Perspective", Online Workshop on good practice for online teaching for the teaching staff involved in delivering various programs that can be assembled into the 'Master of IT', Denmark. (invited by Professor Dr. Dorina Gnaur, Aalborg Unviersity)
October 2021
(in German) "Digitales Lernen - eine internationale Perspektive zu Digital Learning Experience Design and Research", ModeLL-M der Uni Mainz (online)
October 2021
"Digital Learning - How to Study the Impact of (Digital) Innovations in Schools?" An online presentation for Norwegian Schools, invited by Synnøve Ekroll, Norway
July 2021
(in German) "Unterricht und Lernen mit digitalen Technologien - eine internationale Perspektive", 13. Sommeruniversität Schleswig-Holstein, Leibniz-Institut IPN und Uni Kiel (online)
June 2021
"Personalized Learning in Digital Settings" (Presentation in German), 6. LemaS-Landestagung NRW "Leistung macht Schule", https://www.lemas.nrw/index.php/11-support/34-6-landestagung-lemas-nrw
"Digital Learning From the Lens of Learning Experience Design", FacING Digitalization: Innovative und zeitgemäße Bildung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften, TH Köln (online)
March 2021
Didactical Design: DDD-Framework", An online presentation for Norwegian Schools, invited by Synnøve Ekroll, Norway
"Digital Didactical Designs - Learning in CrossActionSpaces", REV2020, Remote Engineering conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Oct 2019
"Online and Hybrid: Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces- International Perspectives", Symposium organized by Prof. Ralf Tenberg, Darmstadt University, Germany
Sept. 2019
"Lernen mit Technologien versus
Lernen von Technologien: Digitales Didaktisches Design als
soziotechnisch-pädagogische Methode für Online-Lernen und Weiterbildung".
Keynote at DGWF 2019 (Dt. Gesellschaft für Weiterbildung und Fernstudium), University
Ulm, Germany
May 2019
"Meaningful Online Learning - International Perspectives from Germany, Sweden and the United States",
Conference on International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
(IPT&L): From Theory to Practice. From Discussion to Cooperation.
Uppsala University, Sweden
May 2018
"Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces", Norwegian national conference on the use of ICT in teaching and
learning, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU) in Trondheim with help from The Norwegian Centre for ICT in
Education, Norway - attendees: 1,400 school leaders and teachers
March 2018
"Learning in CrossActionSpaces", at (In)Formal Learning 2018, International Conference, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany , https://ifl2018.blogs.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/keynote-speaker/
Oct. 2016
"Studying Learning Expeditions in CrossActionSpaces with Digital Didactical Designs", at EDENRW9 2016, Distance and Online Learning, Oldenburg, Germany
March 2015
"Digital Didactical Designs in Higher Education", University of Bolzano, Italy
Sept 2014 (25-26 Sept 2014)
Media Tablets in Danish Schools and a Swedish University", requested by the Center for ICT in Education, Oslo, Norway
Oct 2013
"Wohin geht die Reise im Bereich elearning? Was sind Zukunftstrends?" DINI Tagung, 8.-9. Okt. 2013 in Stuttgart
March 2013
"Creativity in Higher Education & Digital Didactics - Approaching a
theory of designing teaching and learning in a Social Media world", UPC Conference 2013, Umeå University, Sweden
Sept 2012
"Hochschuldidaktik 2.0? Kollaborative Lehr-Lern-Beispiele", Hochschuldidaktik-Tag der Universität Siegen am 25.09.2012,
Aug 2012
"Informal Learning via Social Media - Does it affect Formal Teaching and new Concepts of Science?"
Internatinal Conference on Science and the Internet 2012, https://nfgwin.uni-duesseldorf.de/de/cosci12
Jan 2011
Creative Learning Cultures - Designing Teaching and Learning using new Technologies, "Kreative Lernkulturen - Gestaltung von Lehre und Lernen mit neuen Technologien", eLEARNing TuDO 2011, Dortmund/Germany
Dec 2010
Learning in Online Communities integrated into the Workplace, "Lernen in berufsbezogenen Communities"
Session "Neue Impulse für die Berufsbildung - Lernen in Online-Communities", in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, Online Educa, Berlin/Germany
Sept 2008
How to Desgin Teaching and Learning in the Age of Technology? "Wie lerne ich gute Lehre zu gestalten - Veränderungen und (neue) Herausforderungen in der Hochschullehre", 14th "Start in die Lehre" organized by Sigrid Dany, HDZ/Dortmund
Peer Reviewed Presentations
(2022, Oct.) w/ M. Schmidt, A. Tawfik & Yvonne
Earnshaw, at AECT conference SEVERAL PRESENTATIONS
(2021, Oct.) w/ M. Schmidt, A. Tawfik & Yvonne Earnshaw, at AECT conference SEVERAL PRESENTATIONS
(2020, Oct.) w/ M. Schmidt, A. Tawfik & Yvonne Earnshaw, Panel discussion and book sharing. AECT 2020, Association for Educational Communication Technology, Online.
(2018, Oct.). A game for learning: How non-IT student experience digital game development. AECT 2018, Association for Educational Communication Technology, Kansas City, MO.
(2018, Oct.). Mobile microlearning. AECT 2018, Kansas City, MO.
(2017, Nov.). Embracing student creativity: The need for creative teachers and leaders. AECT 2017, Jacksonville, Florida.
(2017, Nov.). Digital didactical designs as a framework for tablet classrooms. AECT 2017, Jacksonville, Florida.
(2014, May). Tablet-mediated teaching and learning. Conference of Designs for Learning, Stockholm, Sweden.
(2014, Sept.). Digital didactical designs of learning expeditions. EC-TEL 2014, Austria.
(2014, June). What is blended in Blended Learning? ICED 2014, International Consortium of Educational Developers, Stockholm, Sweden.
(2014, June). Media tablets in education. EUNIS 2014, European Network of Infrastructure and Learning Systems, Sweden.
(2012, Sept.). Technology-embraced Informal-in-Formal Learning. ECTEL 2012, Germany
(2012, Sept.). Mobile learning and creativity with mobile devices. GMW 2012, Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft, Berlin.
(2012, March). Understanding, reflecting, designing learning spaces of tomorrow. IADIS Mobile Learning 2012, Berlin
(2011, Sept.) Mensch 3.0 Risikokompetenz und Risikowahrnehmung im Umgang mit neuen Technologien. GMW 2011, Dresden, Germany.
(2010, Sept.). Manchmal möchte man eben etwas sagen - eine Studie über informelles Lernen mit Online-Foren unterstützt. GMW 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
(2009, Sept.). Support of creative learning processes with Student Generated Webtours, DeLFI 2009, Berlin, Germany.
(2009, Sept.). Experimental learning and design-based research. GMW 2009, Berlin, Germany.
(2009, June). The process of digital formalization in sociotechnical Learning communities: Needed or overloaded? CSCL 2009, Greece.
(2008, Oct.). Visualization of computer-mediated social structures. Sociology Congress, DGS 2008, Jena, Germany.
(2007, Aug.). The dynamics of social roles within a knowledge management community. EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
(2006, Oct.). Change of socio-technical organizations to a sociotechnical society. 33th Congress of the German Sociology Association, DGS 2006, Kassel, Germany.
(2006, Sept.). Shift from sociotechnical organizations to a sociotechnical society. Symposium of Information, Communication, Society, University of York, UK.
(2006, March). Dynamics of social roles for knowledge sharing: Sociotechnical requirement. Didaktik Congress 2006, Dortmund, Germany.
(2005, June). The INPUD community: Online as well as regional. Workshop of Collaboration, cooperation, transaction in various communities at the International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Milano, Italy.
(2004, Sept.). The development of roles in online communities: A model for the development of organizations. Doctoral colloquium of CSCW at Mensch & Computer conference.
(2003, Dec.). Role-based knowledge sharing in sociotechnical systems. Symposium of Knowledge management & Self-organization, Dortmund, Germany.
(2002, Nov.). Patterns of socio-technical systems. Workshop at CSCW, United States.
Presentations / Invited Talks (w/o peer review)
(2023/June). "Provokative Statements", Kurzbeitrag im Rahmen der Jubiläumsfeier des Bayrischen Staatsinstituts für Hochschulforschung, IHF, in München.
(2023/Mai). "Unterricht
und Lernen mit digitalen Technologien", Vortrag an der Schule in Schwabach. BarCamp, Digitale Schule der Zukunft.
(2023/Mai). "Wir denken Universität neu –die TU Nürnberg", Vortrag auf dem Bildungscampus Heilbronn. Konferenz Handlungskoordination in Hochschulen. Einladung von der HdM.
(2023/April). "Innovative
Lehr-Lernformate an der UTN", Vortrag für den Obersten Rechnungshof, ORH, Bayern.
(2023/March). "Innovative
Lehr-Lernformate an der UTN", Online-Vortrag für das StMWK Bayern.
(2023/Feb.) "Lehrkräftebildung in einer digitalisierten Welt", Online, Critical Friend fpr Beat Döbli Honegger, PH Schwyz. Organisiert von der Uni Münster, Einladung von Ulrike Weyland
(2022/Dec). "Learning Experience Design & Research in einer digitalen Welt", am IPN Kiel, Geburtstagsfeier für Ute Harms
(2022/Dec). "Unterricht und Lernen mit digitalen Technologien", Online Vortrag beim Rotary Club Essen, Einladung von Isabel van Ackeren
(2022, May). "Lernkultur der Zukunft: Wie digital darf und soll Lehre sein?" Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften. Willkommen zum Treppenhaus-Talk an der Technischen Universität Nürnberg. 21.5.2022
(2022, April). "Individuelle
Förderung in digitalen Lernsettings - Chancen und Möglichkeiten", Online, organisiert von der WWU, Uni Münster, 3. Modul
(2021, December). Learning Experience Design and Research: A Research Perspective from the United States. An online presentation at Uni Duisburg-Essen (invited by JProf. Dr. Irene-Angelica Chounta).
(2021, December). Digital Learning from the Lens of Learning Experience Design & Research. An online presentation at FernUni Hagen, Nachwuchskolloqiuim im Forschungsschwerpunkt D²L² - "Digitalisierung, Diversität und Lebenslanges Lernen. Konsequenzen für die Hochschulbildung" der FernUniversität in Hagen, https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/forschung/schwerpunkte/d2l2/team/index.shtml
(2021, October). Digitalisierung und Zukunft: Quo vadis Erziehungswissenschaft? Die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhundert, Vortrag zur 50. Bestehen des IfE, Institut fuer Erziehungswissenschaft, Uni Muenster
(2021, June). Personalisiertes Lernen in digitalen Lehr-Lernsettings. Online-Vortrag auf der 6. Landestagung LeMaS NRW "Leistung Macht Schule", https://www.lemas.nrw/index.php/11-support/34-6-landestagung-lemas-nrw
(2021, May). Digitalisierung in der Bildung - Herausforderungen mit Blick auf Chancengerechtigkeit. Interaktiver Online-Vortrag zum Thema "Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung - eine Analyse der unterschiedlichen Perspektiven im deutschen Bildungssystem", organisiert von den Stipendiaten*innen der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
(2021, May). Learning Experience Design & Research. An online presentation at TH Köln, Germany. "FacING Digitalization: Innovative und zeitgemäße Bildung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften", https://www.th-koeln.de/anlagen-energie-und-maschinensysteme/faceing-digitalization_82140.php
(2020, Nov.). Active and asynchronous online courses in teacher education. An online presentation for the International Teacher Education Program, Universität Köln.
(2020, Oct.). Active learning strategies in online courses. An online presentation for the Zentrum für Hochschulqualitätsentwicklung, Universität Duisburg-Essen.
(2020, May). Teaching Online Courses (online presentation), w/ Jane Howland, at MU Teacher for Learning Center,.
(2020, March). Usability and user experience methods for Learning Design Technologies, Guest lecture, invited by Prof. Dr. Matthew Schmidt, University of Florida.
(2020, March). Digital didactical Designs in schools, eMints, Center for STEM education and technologies in schools, Columbia, Missouri.
(2020, Feb.). Introduction to user experience methods. CoMo Game Development Community.
(2018, Oct.). Usability and user experience studies in healthcare. Presented at Tiger Institute and School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri.
(2017, Oct.). Exploring grand challenges of the digital age. Presented at Herrenhaeuser International Symposium, Hannover, Germany.
(2016, Nov.). Building usable and useful software: Incorporating usability studies and UX into the design and development cycle. Presented at AppsDevConf 2016, Columbia, Missouri.
(2016, March). Digital didactical designs for learning in CrossActionSpaces. Presented at Abell Conversations about College Science Teaching, Columbia, Missouri.
(2016, March). Sociotechnical design in healthcare. Presented at Tiger Place, invited by Professor Marjorie Skubic, Columbia, Missouri.
(2015, Nov.). Research about tablet classrooms in schools. Symposium at University of Mainz.
(2015, Nov.). Digitalization in German schools. Presented at German Congress, Berlin, Germany.
(2015, Sept.). iPads in Schools. Presented at MPER, Columbia, Missouri.
(2015, June). Digital didactical designs. Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Umeå, Sweden.
(2015, June). Open universities in Germany: What means open? German Congress, Berlin.
(2014, Dec.). Digital didactical designs. Presented at Gothenburg University, Sweden.
(2014, Oct.). Digital didactical designs. Presented at Stockholm University, Sweden.
(2014, Aug.). Tablet-mediated learning in Danish schools. Task Force Meeting, Odder, Denmark.
(2014, March). Design-based research in engineering education. Presented at Symposium at the German Association for Pedagogy, Berlin, Germany.
(2014, March). How to bring innovations into the university practice? Presented at Stifterverband, Berlin, German Congress, Germany.
(2013, Dec.). Digital Didactics. Presented at Symposium of Epistemic and Learning Cultures at the University of the 21st Century, KIT, Germany.
(2013, Oct.). Didactical designs + ICT = Digital didactical designs? Presented at the Conference on ICT in Education, Norwegian National Congress, Oslo, Norway.
(2013, Oct.). eLearning, digital didaktik and co.: On the way to a new normality of a sociotechnical society? Presented at the DINI Congress, Stuttgart, Germany.
(2013, Sept.). Digital Didactical Designs in iPad-classrooms. Presented at International Conference on Micro-Learning 7.0, Krems, Austria.
(2013, Feb.). Digital Didactics: Meeting the future of education? Presented at Scandinavia@BETT2013, British Educational Technology Trade, London, UK.
(2013, Jan.). The usage of iPads in Schools from digital didactics lens. University in Oslo, Norway.
(2013, Jan.). Creative learning supported by mobile technology. Presented at the Educational/Instructional Developers Workshop, University of Würzburg, Germany.
(2012, Nov.). Swedish School System and Teacher Education. Presented at the International Day at University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
(2012, Sept.). Interactive media and learning: Creative learning cultures. Umeå Symposium, Sweden.
(2012, May). How to Foster Creativity Supported by new Technologies? Presented at the KLÄM conference, Swedish National Symposium, Sweden.
(2012, April). iPad-Didactics: What happens in iPad-classroom? First findings from classroom observations and interviews. Presented at Task Force, Odder, Denmark.
(2011, Dec.). Creative spaces of tomorrow. Presented at the Karlsruher Institute for Technology.
(2011, Dec.). Creative learning cultures: Educational innovations in a Web2.0 world. LunchTalk, Umeå University, Sweden.
(2011, Nov.). Web 2.0 and elearning in teaching. Presented at the Instructional Developer Workshop, Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany.
(2011, Oct.). Understanding, reflecting and designing mobile learning space, the classroom of the future. Presented at the Department of Language Studies, Sweden.
(2010, July). Creative learning cultures. Presented at the Instructional/Educational Developers Workshop, Augsburg, Germany.
(2010, May). Creative learning cultures: Educational innovations and knowledge sharing with social media. Presented at the Instructional/Academic Developers Workshop, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
(2010, March). Informal learning in the online world: Empirical results. Presented at RuhrCampusOnline (RCO), Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr (UAMR), Germany.
(2010, March). Sociotechnical learning. Presented at DOSS2010, TU Dortmund, Germany.
(2009, Nov.). Designing for sociotechnical systems. Presented at Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, R. Schulz-Zander, Dortmund, Germany.
(2009, April). Web 2.0 in teaching and learning. Presented at RuhrCampusOnline (RCO), Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr (UAMR), Bochum, Germany.
(2008, Dec.). Visualization of computer-mediated social structures. Presented at the TU Dortmund Symposium, Germany.
(2008, Nov.). Digital Didactics - An introduction into planning of computer-supported courses. Presented at eLearning kurz & gut, Germany.
(2008, Oct.). Designing for sociotechnical systems. Presented at the Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, R. Schulz-Zander, Dortmund, Germany.
(2008, Sept.). E-learning in higher education. Presented at the 14th congress of Start into Teaching and Learning, TU Dortmund, Germany.
(2008, April). Teaching and learning with digital media. Presented at the Day of Teaching, TU Dortmund, Germany.
(2008, March). Methods and tools of requirement analysis for IT infrastructure and process-optimization in organizations. Presented at the Business Company Materna GmbH, Dortmund.
(2008, Feb.). Designing and modeling of processes in business planning. Presented at Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.
(2007, Oct.). E-government needs modeling of processes. Presented at E-Government-Day, GKD Recklinghausen, Germany.
(2006, Nov.). Design of socio-technical systems. Presented at Informatics & Society, Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
(2006, Sept.). Community cultivation as a method for study program advisors. Presented at Workshop: From research into university practice? Center for Higher Education, Dortmund.
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
Sara Ringbauer, & Isa Jahnke (2016). Augmented learning expeditions, Games, Learning, Society 2016, Madison, Wisconsin.
Eva Mårell-Olsson, & Isa Jahnke (2015). Designing for collaborative learning expeditions by using wearable technology and smart glasses, CSCL2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Isa Jahnke, Lars Norqvist, & Andreas Olsson (2013). Digital didactical designs in iPad-classrooms, ECTEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus.
Isa Jahnke, & Tobias Haertel (2009). The DaVinci-Project: Kreativitätsförderliche Lernkulturen an Hochschulen. DGHD, German Association for Didaktik, Freiburg, Germany.
Isa Jahnke (2006). Requirements for cultivating communities as mean for knowledge management." DGWF: Association of continuing and distance education, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Peer Reviewed Workshops
Isa Jahnke, Matt Schmidt, Andrew Tawfik, & Yvonne Earnshaw (2020). UX4LX Workshop - User Experience Methods for Evaluating and Improving Learning Experience with Technologies. Workshop at AECT 2020. Jacksonville, FL.
Joi Moore, Isa Jahnke, & Johannes Strobel (2019). Using empathy, HCI and sociotechnical lens to understand information technology usage and adoption. Workshop at iConference 2019 (Consortium of the iSchools), Baltimore, MD.
Isa Jahnke, Hao He, Yen-Mei Lee, Minh Pham, Gayathri Sadanala & Joi Moore (2018). User experience studies, usability testing and sociotechnical process analysis: Methods, challenges and pitfalls. Workshop at AECT 2018, Association for Educational Communication Technology. Kansas City, MO.
Isa Jahnke, So Mi Kim, Joi Moore, & AlexanderNolte (2017). The SocioTechnical Walkthrough (STWT): A collaborative, human-centered design and development method for projects. Workshop at AECT 2017, Jacksonville, FL.
Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Isa Jahnke, Crina Damsa, Miguel Nussbaum, & Roger Säljö (2017). Emergent practices and material conditions in tablet-mediated collaborative learning and teaching. Workshop at CSCL 2017, Computer Support Collaborative Learning; Philadelphia, PA.
Isa Jahnke, Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Anniken Furberg, Sanna Järvelä, & Barbara Wasson (2015). Changing teaching and learning practices in schools with tablet-mediated collaborative learning: Nordic, European and international views. Workshop at CSCL 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Ilona Buchem, Isa Jahnke, John Cook, Dimitirs Apostolou, & Neil Maiden (2014). Creative mobile learning and teaching. Workshop at ECTEL 2014, European Conference for Technology-Enhanced Learning; Graz, Austria.
Sean Goggins, Isa Jahnke, & Thomas Herrmann (2013). CSCL at work: Computer-supported collaborative learning at the workplace. Workshop at CSCL 2013, Madison, WI.
P. Karampiperis, D. Apostolou, I. Buchem, Isa Jahnke, & K. Zachos, (2013). Computational tools fostering creativity in learning processes. Workshop at ECTEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus.
Sean Goggins, Isa Jahnke, & Volker Wulf (2012). CSCL@ work revisited-beyond CSCL and CSCW Workshop at ACM Group 2012 (Conference on Supporting Groupwork), Sanibel Island, FL.
Ilona Buchem, Isa Jahnke, & Carl Smith (2012). Mobile learning and creativity workshop. Workshop at ECTEL 2012, Saarbruecken, Germany.
Sean Goggins, & Isa Jahnke (2010). Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) at work. Workshop at ACM Group 2010, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Isa Jahnke, & Michael Koch (2009). Academia 2.0 and beyond? How social software changes research and education in academia. Workshop at E-CSCW 2009, European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work; Vienna, Austria.
Isa Jahnke, Aurélien Bénel, Jean-Pierre Cahier, Manuel Zacklad, Thomas Herrmann, Michael Koch, & Wolfgang Prinz (2008). Academia 2.0 and beyond. Workshop at COOP 2008, Designing for Cooperative Systems Conference; France.