CfP: ECTEL2014 workshop: "Creative mobile learning and teaching" #cmlt14
On the photo: Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem
Call for position papers (CfP) for the 3rd Workshop on Creative Mobile Learning & Teaching (#CMLT14)
Creativity in Context: Innovative Uses of Mobile and Wearable
Technologies for Teaching and Learning - The University of the Future?
Further information
Workshop Website:
- The deadline for abstract submission is 13th July 2014 - submissions, not more than 4 pages, via EasyConferenceChair system
- The workshop will take place at ECTEL2014 conference on Wednesday, 17 September in Graz/Austria, planned from 9.00 till 15.00.
- Workshop proposal in PDF form: ectel2014_cmlt14-workshop.pdf (136,3 kB)
- Ilona Buchem, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany -- general chair
- Isa Jahnke, Umeå University, Sweden,
- John Cook, University of the West of England, UK,
- Dimitris Apostolou, University of Piraeus, Greece,
- Neil Maiden, City University of London, UK,
the two successful EC-TEL workshops on mobile learning and creativity,
i.e. Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop in 2012 (#MLCW12, ) and Computational Tools Fostering Creativity in Learning Process in 2013 (#CCL2013, ),
the third joint workshop on Creative Mobile Learning and Teaching
(#CMLT14) will focus on innovative uses of mobile and wearable
technologies to support creativity in learning and teaching. Creative
Mobile Learning and Teaching is about using mobile and wearable
technologies for teaching and learning how to be creative as well as
teaching and learning through creative practice. As a full-day workshop,
CML14 will be devoted to sharing good practice examples. Just to
emphasize this point: It is the actual practice, and not theoretical
approaches and concepts, that lies at the heart of #CLM14. By sharing
real examples from practice, we want not only to explore existing
creative practice (presentations of real examples) but also to identify
future innovation (collective ideation activity) in using mobile and
wearable technologies for learning and teaching how to be creative as
well as learning and teaching through creative practice.