Digital Didactical Designs as evaluation tool for schools


Hurray! :-)

Our research of tablets in schools (Denmark, Sweden, Finland) is now available with open access:


  1. Digital Didactical Design is useful for analyzing tablet classroom practices
  2. Classroom observations reveal meaningful, semi-integrated and shallow learning.
  3. A third of the classrooms achieve active-meaningful learning with iPads.
  4. DDD developed a new framework that may guide education in the digital age.
  5. Schools can use the DDD coding scheme to evaluate teaching/learning in tablet classrooms.


Jahnke, I., Bergström, P., Mårell-Olsson, E., Häll, L., & Kumar, S. (accepted, 22 May 2017). Digital Didactical Designs as Research Framework - iPad Integration in Nordic Schools. In: Computers & Education (2017), DOI