Herrenhauser Symposium 2017 - Design Trade-Offs for Quality of Life


Gerhard Fischer (Univ of Colorado, USA), Thomas Herrmann (Univ of Bochum, Germany) and Volker Wulf (Univ of Siegen, Germany) invited researchers to discuss Grand Challenges of the digital age:

Approx. 45 people met in October 2017 (18-20 Oct) . Topics included Support for Learning, Work/Life-Balance, Privacy vs Personalization, Value Sensitive Design, Mobility for all and more. Outstanding researchers presented their work, for example, Gloria Mark, Batya Friedman, Pelle Ehn, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Gerry Stahl, Alfred Kobsa and others.

On the photo below (from right to left): Cindy-Hmelo-Silver, Gerry Stahl, Isa Jahnke