KLÄM konferens in Umeå/Sweden - "Media and Learning"
KLÄM Conference 2012 on "Learning, didactics and media use"
Umeå University, May 14 to 16, 2012
Website: https://www.trippus.se/eventus/eventus_cat.asp?EventusCat_ID=23413&Lang=swe&c= (Swedish)
The conference is organized by the Swedish Didactic Network. In 2012, the theme is "media use and learning". Presentations are also welcome from the broader theme of Subject Didactics. Every two years the Nordic network conducts such a conference in Scandinavia.
The conference will be housed in Umeå University Lärarhus and Lindellhallen. The department "Creative Studies" is hosting the conference. The organizers "expect a lot of cultural expressions in conjunction with the workshops as well as exhibitions and festivities".
My presentation is
- on Tuesday, May/15, klockan 15.00, Room S306
- "How to Foster Creativity in Teaching and Learning Supported by new Technologies?"