MU Apps Development Conference

    Join us at the 1st MU Apps Development Conference in Columbia, MO.

    We / IElab / have 2 presentations:

A) Introduction to ARIS - A Location-Based Educational Game Development Platform Demonstration (Sara Ringbauer and Isa Jahnke)

Abstract. Learn about ARIS, a development tool for creating downloadable, location-based educational games. We will give an overview of the ARIS design interface, the ARIS iOS app and our ARIS project in which we created and tested an interactive tour of the MU campus.

B) Building Usable and Useful Software: Incorporating Usability Studies and UX into the Design and Development Cycle (Neeley Current, Isa Jahnke and Fatih Demir)

Abstract. How do you know that the software that you're building is usable and useful? How can you know what your end users need and want? The IE Lab, a usability lab on campus, will share with developers how to incorporate usability studies and user experience into the development cycle. Attendees will learn what methods are appropriate at various stages of the development cycle, e.g., Iterative Design Review, Task Analysis, Sociotechnical Walkthrough. We also present some tools that can precisely track where users are looking on your app, e.g., the mobile eye-tracking device. This talk will also highlight a few projects conducted on campus and illustrate the value of usability studies.