Professor Dr. Thomas Herrmann visits Mizzou
Professor Dr. Thomas Herrmann was in Columbia, MO at the IELab in the week from 4-12 December 2015.
"LexMizzou on the Way" - Thomas Herrmann, Bochum University IMTM (2nd from left), visited the IELab and the iSchool/SISLT at Mizzou.
Thomas Herrmann gave a presentation about SocioTechnical Design. We discussed usability issues in a broader framework and the involvement of the Sociotechnical Walkthrough (STWT) when integrating social and technical aspects toward sociotechnical processes. Thomas Herrmann's presentation slides sociotech reflection.pdf
On the photo, from left, there are Shann Bosaller, Thomas Herrmann, Isa Jahnke, Sara Ringbauer, Fatih Demir, We discussed further directions and options for the LeXMizzou project toward Collaborative Learning Expeditions.
On Tuesday, the 8th of December 2015, 12pm-1pm, Collab, London Hall,
Dr. Thomas Herrmann, professor of Bochum University in Germany, visited SISLT at University of Missouri
Abstract. The varieties of socio-technical design will be explained and the differences from contextual software-engineering or human-centered design are discussed. A series of examples is used to demonstrate the specifics of socio-technical design. The limitation of this approach is explained with respect to the phenomenon which is designed. The examples can be used to demonstrate how processes of learning and teaching can be supported by a socio-technical approach. The hypothesis is that there is an intense interplay between the type of technical support of learners and the planning and evolution of processes of learning. One of the remaining challenges is how socio-technical design can be reflected to achieve continuous improvement in the context of learning. One aspect of the reflection is the trade-off between scripting and prompting or between learning by instruction vs. problem-based learning.
About. Dr. Thomas Herrmann is a professor and director of Information and Technology-Management (IMTM) at the Institute of Applied Work Science (IAW), University of Bochum, Germany since 2004, and a fellow of the Electrical Engineering Department. Current research interests include design methods for socio-technical systems in various areas such as computer supported collaboration, knowledge management, (work-)process management. He teaches courses in Groupware, Knowledge Management, Socio-technical Systems Design, Information Systems and Privacy, Human-Computer Interaction, Organizational Communication, and Process Management. He was an Associate Professor from 1992-2004 at the Computer Science Department at the University of Dortmund and was in charge of the development of infrastructure and new media for the University of Dortmund as a vice president from 2002-2004. Currently he is the privacy protection officer of the University of Bochum and a member of Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology.