Happy Birthday, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herrmann!
Professor Dr Thomas Herrmann (photo left) visited the IELab in December 2015. Now, he celebrated his 60.
birthday with the Colloquium of Sociotechnical Design of Work Processes
- Digitalization of Work?!
The event took place at the Institute of
Work Science, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, https://www.imtm-iaw.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/en/
Happy Birthday Thomas!
I gave a speech, "From sociotechnical organizations to a sociotechnical society" - a summary of a joint presentation with Thomas Herrmann in 2006 - 10 years ago! And it is still up-to-date, and needed more than ever?
Approx. 60 researchers, colleagues, alumni, PhD students and friends
participated - professors such as Volker Wulf, Wolfgang Prinz, Juergen
Howaldt, Uwe Wilkesmann, Michael Koch, Michael Goedicke, and many more.
A special event was the meeting with Thomas' former PhD students, now professors and successful job designers themselves , see photo (from left): Dr. Kai-Uwe Loser, Dr. Thomas Herrmann, Dr. Michael Prilla, Dr. Gabriele Kunau, Dr. Marcel Hoffmann, Dr. Carsten Ritterskamp, Dr. Andrea Kienle, Dr. Natalja Menold and Dr. Isa Jahnke. (not on the photo: Dr. Volker Wulf, Dr. Alexander Nolte, and more).