Workshop at AECT2018 - User Experience and Usability Testing For Educational or Learning Designers


User Experience and Usability Testing Within the Sociotechnical Process - Methods, Challenges and Pitfalls for Instructional Designers and Others

We at the IE lab conducted a full day workshop about "User Experience and Usability Testing Within the Sociotechnical Process - Methods, Challenges and Pitfalls for Instructional Designers" We provided hands-on material and case studies. The workshop took place at the AECT conference in Kansas City, on October 23. 2018.

 Workshop organizers (from left to right):

  • Hao He
  • Gayathri Sadanala
  • (me, myself and I)
  • Minh Pham
  • Yen-Mei Lee

Further information and slides to download: